Building your family through
assisted reproductive technologyWhether you are building your family through surrogacy, egg/sperm donation or embryo donation, Nathan Leach at Herrin & Leach offers caring and professional assistance in all of your reproductive law needs.
new ways to
Create your family
Herrin & Leach, LLC, specializes in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the term for technology used to achieve pregnancy in procedures such as fertility medication, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy. I work as an assisted reproductive technology attorney in Indiana and am dedicated to helping build families in an ethical manner. If you are employing the services of an egg donor, sperm donor, embryo donor or gestational carrier/surrogate or are acting in one of these capacities, it is important to consult with an attorney experienced in ART. I have substantial experience helping individuals and families using assisted reproductive technology to build their family. If you want to become a surrogate and provide the gift of life to intended parents, we can help explain the process and find the perfect family. If you have already located a surrogate, we can focus on the legal aspects in Indiana.
How we can help?
Our Services

If you are considering surrogacy, whether you are looking to build your family or are interested in becoming a surrogate, it is important to understand the process and your legal rights.

Egg/Sperm donation
Egg and sperm donation is the process by which a woman provides one or several eggs (ova) or a man donates his sperm for purposes of assisted reproduction through IVF and contemplates that the eggs will be fertilized and implanted into another woman’s uterus.

After the gestational surrogate and Intended Parents execute their gestational surrogacy agreement and a successful pregnancy is achieved, the next step is for the Intended Parents to start the process of establishing legal parentage of the child that will be born to the surrogate.

embryo adoption
The process of embryo donation/adoption allows the genetic parents of the frozen embryos to transfer their legal rights to an embryo to another couple who seek to adopt the embryo and subsequently parent the child.
let us help you build your family
Experience Matters
A surrogacy attorney is a necessary and important step in your surrogacy journey, whether you are an intended parent or prospective surrogate. At Herrin & Leach, we use specific language in our contracts to protect all of the involved parties. The laws in Indiana regarding surrogacy are complex and we can share our skills and knowledge to help your surrogacy be a smooth process for all involved. We offer free, no obligation consultations. Schedule an appointment with us today!
About Us

John Q. Herrin, retired
At Herrin & Leach, we know and embrace the importance of your adoption. That’s why we have created a firm that focuses solely on adoption. We believe attorneys who are committed to the adoption process best serve those families seeking to adopt and the children who need safe, loving families. We are committed to helping adoptive parents and expectant mothers navigate the adoption process.
Indiana adoption law is complex and ever-changing. It is not always easy for nonlawyers or lawyers who do not work exclusively in adoption to stay on top of the ever-changing laws. Since our focus is adoption, we understand the laws inside and out.

Nathan A. Leach
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